Happy Little Eaters
Weaning Courses

Introducing food to your baby for the first time is an exciting transition but it can also be challenging and even scary.
There is so much conflicting information about weaning that knowing how to start, what first foods to give and even what equipment you need can be very daunting.
You want your baby to be healthy and happy and you know that having a good relationship with food is an essential part of their health and well-being. You don’t want a baby who’s fussy and for mealtimes to be stressful.
Let me give you the confidence you need to get the weaning stage right using the baby led method so you can enjoy exploring good food with your baby from the start.
Check out our options below to get started!
Fussy Little Eaters
Help to achieve happier mealtimes

I love to see children enjoying their food and as a nutritionist, I know how important this is to their health and development. So, what do you do if your child is a fussy little eater?
When I was young (in Primary School) I had a situation that caused me to eat only crackers (Jacobs only) and cheese (cheddar only) for several months. This situation was an entirely psychological one but because of the way my Mum handled this I was able to get back to normal eating without any long-term damage.
Because of my personal experience with food, I often find myself really wanting to help those who are struggling in this area. I can still remember being so afraid to eat anything (other than the cheese and crackers) and even though I was hungry I just couldn’t swallow anything else. I can also remember my parents and grandparents being very concerned. I can completely relate to children having difficulty with their food!
Over the years, I have helped many children improve their relationship with food, but I immediately noticed a need to address the mindset first. I wanted to find a better way. I realised that the psychology of eating must be addressed before I can even look at the nutritional aspects of a child’s limited diet. I am not a psychologist!
The good news is that I have teamed up with an amazing lady who is a psychologist. Jo Cormack is an eating psychologist, has a degree in the subject and is currently doing a PhD about fussy eating kids. She wrote the book War and Peas and really knows her stuff when it comes to the mind of picky kids!
So, if you have visited my page for help with a fussy eater then you need to address the psychological side first. This is where Jo comes in. She has written the most AMAZING course that will take you from where you currently are (stressed out and worried) to a place where you and your child can enjoy happier meal times.
As much as I would love to help your child address their nutrition needs, we first need to get your child eating a variety of new foods, textures and flavours in a happy, relaxed environment.
Click here for what I 100% believe is the solution to your problem.
Once you’ve completed the course (using the link above) I will be sending you, as a bonus, a guide to improving your child’s nutrition. Both resources together will ensure your child grows up with a happy and healthy relationship to food.
One-on-One Appointments
Babies & Children, Adults, Fertility

One-on-One Appointments for Babies & Children

There is nothing more important than your child’s health and the fact that you are here means you want to help your baby or child with this very precious aspect of their life.
Children come into the world with a host of experiences that contribute to their resilience, health and well-being. They also learn and develop based on their environment and the people around them.
Sometimes things can get a little unbalanced and they just need a little help to support the natural healing abilities in their bodies. Young children respond incredibly well to natural medicine.
As with adults, the process can take a little time although children do tend to change very quickly when given the right tools and support.
During the initial consultation I will take a full case history including asking you about your health especially before and during pregnancy plus the birth experience. My intention is to establish the underlying cause of any imbalance that is showing in your child’s body (i.e. digestive issues, sleep problems, skin reactions etc).
I will then put together a plan to help the body to heal and address any issues. We will then check in on the progress being made during the follow up sessions plus make any changes to the programme that may be needed.
Packages start from £297.
To find out how I can help your baby or child, please schedule a FREE call with me using the link below.
Schedule a FREE 15 minute call, click below.
One-on-One Appointments for Adults
The fact that you are here means you are serious about achieving your health and well-being goals.
You may have symptoms or medical conditions that you want to address, you may be trying for a baby or have recently discovered you are pregnant. You may be sick of feeling sick and tired all the time, you may want to look in the mirror and feel happy with what you see. You may want to stop the stress cycle or the self-sabotage and enjoy a healthy relationship with food and yourself.
You probably already know that achieving a healthy, vibrant life is not something that is easily done on your own or achieved in one appointment with a Nutritionist. It takes a little time, focus, effort, resilience and consistency.
You may or may not have noticed that using willpower alone never works in the long term, a one size fits all or latest celebrity diet doesn’t work, ignoring symptoms doesn’t work, using Dr Google doesn’t work and going it alone and using all the excuses isn’t helping you.
Yet, it’s all too easy to get stuck on the hamster wheel and the busyness and stress of life and never getting around to looking after your most important asset – your health!
That’s where I can help….
Can you imagine what it would be like if you knew the quick and easy steps to rebalance your body, mind and emotions so you could feel energised, happy, healthy and calm? How would your life be different if you automatically chose the healthy options (and we are not just talking about food here).
And if you are a Mum, can you imagine how it would feel to be a good role model for your kids and see them grow up knowing how to look after their body, mind and emotions?
Your health is dependant on many things and when you make simple changes across all areas of your life they add up to a big shift.
Once you know how you can’t unknow this stuff!
I only work with people who are ready to invest in their health.
When we work together it is never just about the food. I use my own Healthy Mirror Method which combines my expertise in life coaching, neuroscience, energy medicine, EFT and psychology to give you exactly what you need to be truly healthy.
Packages start from £497 (payment plans are available).
To book a FREE call with me to discuss your goals and how I can help you achieve them, just use the link below.
To schedule a FREE 15 minute call, click below.

One-on-One Appointments for Fertility

If you have been diagnosed with unexplained fertility or you are considering IVF then addressing your diet and lifestyle can greatly improve your chance of success in conceiving naturally or via the IVF route.
By making positive changes you can improve the quality of both the egg and sperm as well as influence the hormones and nutrients you need to maintain a healthy pregnancy.
A fertility consultation will need to include both of you. I will review your current diet, lifestyle and any factors that may be affecting your fertility. Sometimes testing may be required and supplements will be used to help improve your nutrient status.
There can be no greater achievement in my work than helping a couple to produce a healthy baby
Packages start from £497 (payment plans are available)
To find out how I can help you please schedule a FREE call with me using the link below.
To schedule a FREE 15 minute call, click below.
One-on-One Appointments for Pregnancy
You have the ability to influence the future health of your baby by improving your nutrition status before conception. During pregnancy, your need for certain nutrients and additional calories increases and there are some foods and drinks that should be avoided. A nutritionally dense and healthy diet specifically for pregnancy can reduce your risk of all known pregnancy complications and give your baby the best possible start in life.
A one to one consultation will give you the tools you need to optimise your diet and lifestyle for a healthy pregnancy and baby.
Packages start from £497 (payment plans available).
To schedule a FREE 15 minute call, click below.