From Chronic Fatigue to National Gymnast (at nearly 50)

Today I did a talk at my local networking meeting (Mums UnLtd in Whitstable). I decided to wear a leotard to the meeting!!!

Here’s why……?

The talk I was asked to do was not about my business but about me! What led me to my vocation, what events impacted my life and what drives me!

I thought I would share this talk with you.

When I was around 10/11 years old my Mum (realised it was not that normal to have a child who spent most of her life upside down) took me to do a try out at a local gymnastics club. This club was where all the girls good at gymnastics went and I was so excited.

I did the trial; thought I’d done a great job but was told I was too old. They said I’d done well to learn everything in my garden and front room, but I was too old to really get started at competitive gymnastics.

I was devastated!

Washed up at 10 years old!

So, I joined a local recreational club and continued with my life!!

I left school and went to college, then joined a building company and went about my life doing Construction Planning. I was good at it and did well….

But it was stressful. There weren’t many petite blond girls wearing hard hats and working on building sites back in the 90’s and it was tough! The hours were long, and the job was demanding.

I had no idea how stressed I was until the universe decided to intervene and stop me in my tracks!

Chronic fatigue (or as the doctor said, an issue in my head that had caused me to have whole body problems from IBS to asthma to extreme tiredness and muscle pains) needed to teach me a thing or two!

It’s like having a permanent feeling of coming down with something but the something doesn’t materialise, and the feeling doesn’t go despite all the sleep and rest.

I’ve written previously that having chronic fatigue is one of the best things that’s ever happened to me! Of course, it didn’t feel like it at the time but what it did was to change my path in life. One that led me here! (thank you universe!!).

Once the doctor had concluded that this illness was all in my head, I decided to completely dismiss that diagnosis and find my own remedy.

This resulted in me discovering that food is medicine, self-talk is medicine, fresh air is medicine, water is medicine, sleep is medicine, exercise is medicine, friends are medicine…

I learnt a lot during that recovery period.

Today I am in to my 20th year of being someone who’s qualified to use food as medicine. As soon as I was well enough I went to Uni and got a degree in Nutritional Medicine. I am also qualified in Reiki, Kinesiology and EFT.

When I was 42 years old, I discovered an adult gymnastics class. That 10-year girl inside me thought now is the time to find out that age doesn’t matter and you’re never too old!

I signed up and haven’t looked back since. I love doing gymnastics. I have all the sparkly leotards and I prance around each week exactly like I did when I was 10 years old.

Last year I competed at the British Adult Gymnastics Championships at the home of gymnastic (Lilleshall). The place where our Olympians train. The little girl in me was very happy! I came away from that competition with a Gold, Silver and Bronze medal.

So, today at my talk I wore my leotard and the medals!!!

As you can see, over the years I’ve learnt a lot about energy. I know exactly how to manage my energy, even as an older Mum and I love to share my knowledge with as many people as I can.

Giving energy is giving wellness and there really isn’t anything better than that!

If I can go from chronic fatigue to national gymnast at nearly 50, then I can certainly help you with your energy levels.

My Energy Accelerator 5-day programme is absolutely FREE. You can join me HERE.

And if you know anyone else who needs an energy boost then why not let them know about it too!

What could YOU achieve with more energy?

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  1. Tracy on August 20, 2020 at 8:32 pm

    I just LOVE this Julie! You’re an inspiration to many and show proof that we are never too old ????‍♂️????

    • Julie on August 21, 2020 at 2:32 pm

      Thank you Tracy.

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