Broad bean Risotto – Serves 4

• 1 tbsp. olive oil
• 50g cold butter
• 1 onion, diced
• 200g risotto rice
• 100ml white wine
• 600ml vegetable stock
• 50g parmesan cheese
• 200g frozen or fresh peas
• 200g frozen or fresh broad beans


1. If using fresh broad beans, shell and then boil for 2 minutes. Transfer to cold water and remove tough outer skin to reveal the bright green beans. Set aside.
2. If using fresh peas, shell and then boil for 2 minutes. Transfer to cold water and set aside.
3. In a large saucepan, heat the olive oil and butter.
4. Add the onion and cook for a couple of minutes.
5. Stir in the rice.
6. Add the wine and allow the alcohol to evaporate.
7. Gradually add the stock, use a medium heat. Keep stirring.
8. Allow the rice to take up the stock before adding more.
9. The rice should be cooked in 20 minutes.
10. Stir in the peas, beans and parmesan cheese, stir to heat through and serve immediately.

I topped mine with raw spiralised carrots and added a green side salad!

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