Having children is one of those things that you will never regret but no one ever tells you the real facts. Facts like tea and biscuits are now your main source of food! Your belly now resembles a jelly! You’re too tired and busy to exercise! Your boobs will never go back to their original shape and size! You pee when you sneeze or laugh. Even your feet change size (or is that just me!?).
And let’s not even talk about nice clothes, waxing, eye lash tinting and all those things you took for granted B.C (before children!).
When my oldest child turned three years old and my youngest was coming up to one, I had a moment when I looked in the mirror and thought “OMG, what has happened to me!?”
It is all too easy to get on the slippery slope to bad eating habits, with a lack of exercise and a culture of always putting yourself last after your children and husband or partner. So that was the moment I decided that it was time I regained some of my original self and got my groomed body back!
I wrote a plan for myself that included healthy eating, exercise and confidence-building techniques and then when people started commenting about my new vigour I was persuaded to share my secrets.
This is when my Yummy Mummy Plan was born. A very easy plan to follow, written by a Mum for a Mum, complete with 10 weeks of nutritionally balanced meal plans, recipes and shopping lists plus weekly support from me, a registered nutritionist.